Corato Cemetery
Looking for a photo of the grave of one of your ancestors who died in Corato?
Looking for a photo of the grave of one of your ancestors who died in Corato?
Are you going to Corato to visit the grave of one of your ancestors?
As part of our project, the former caretaker of the cemetery, Mr Nicola Arresta, is available to answer your questions.
N.B.: Deaths must have occurred after 1910.
If possible, you can obtain
- a photo of the grave
- references to its location
- a photo of the cemetery map showing the location of the grave
To obtain this information, please send a written request to, stating :
- your surname, first name, date and place of birth, (with a photocopy of your ID) ;
- the surname, first name and date of death of the deceased (if possible, send a death certificate or other document proving the date)
- degree of relationship with the deceased: if possible, add a brief extract from a family tree
- if you are searching for another person, a letter from that person indicating their degree of relationship to the deceased and stating that they authorise you to carry out the search.
We will respect the confidentiality of your request, which we will handle with the cemetery warden.